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Gynecomastia Surgery in Dallas, TX

The appearance of overly large breasts is a common occurrence in a vast number of men. Known as gynecomastia (or colloquially as “man boobs”), this condition is often not easy to correct through diet and exercise alone and usually has a negative effect on a man’s self-confidence.

Fortunately, the condition of enlarged male breasts is effectively treated with gynecomastia surgery. At his Dallas practice, Dr. David Morales regularly performs male breast reduction for males of all ages.

What Are Your Gynecomastia Surgery Goals?

Flatter Chest

Gynecomastia can develop at any age of a man’s life (from puberty to well into their golden years). This chest enlargement can be due to excess fat or glandular tissue and often does not respond to diet and exercise. Male breast reduction removes fat, breast tissue, and skin for a flatter, more masculine-looking chest.

Firmer Chest

Due to excess fat and tissue, many men are unable to achieve the defined “pecs” they want. Not only does gynecomastia remove excess tissue, but it also removes the roadblock that stands in many men’s way in terms of developing a more toned and muscular-looking chest. While this surgery does not enhance the muscle, it can help inspire men to work towards greater fitness goals.

Improved Confidence

Many men who suffer from gynecomastia also experience insecurities in social, professional, and intimate settings due to the appearance of their chest. Men who struggle with these concerns can benefit significantly from gynecomastia surgery and feel more comfortable in their own skin.

What Are My Gynecomastia Surgery Options in Dallas, TX?


Pseudogynecomastia is a variation of the condition in which the excess is due to adipose tissue (fat) in the chest. Because of this, liposuction is appropriate and often sufficient enough to treat the excess.

Liposuction, also known as “lipoplasty,” permanently removes unwanted fat. Dr. Morales inserts a cannula (thin hollow tube) through small incisions, and a suction device permanently removes localized fat deposits to achieve a flatter and more attractive chest.

If excess skin and glandular tissue are also a problem, Dr. Morales makes an incision to remove excess skin, fat, and breast tissue. He then tightens the remaining tissue and contours the chest to achieve a firmer, more masculine physique. In some cases, Dr. Morales moves the areolas to a more attractive position.


In many cases of true gynecomastia, a combination of liposuction and surgical excision is used. This allows for the correction of excess fat, tissue, and skin (if necessary).

Do You Have Other Concerns About Gynecomastia Surgery?


Dr. Morales performs gynecomastia surgery on an Dallas outpatient basis with the patient under general anesthesia. During your consultation, Dr. Morales will evaluate the severity of your condition to determine which technique will best meet your needs and desires.

Recovery Experience

Patients can expect about a week of downtime before they return to work and resume their daily routine. During this time, they will need to do the following:
  • Wear bandages over the incisions
  • Wear a compression garment around the chest to reduce swelling
  • Take prescribed medication


The cost of your male breast reduction in Dallas, Texas, will vary depending on the extent of the procedure, the techniques needed to address the concern, whether any other surgical procedures are being performed in combination, and fees for the anesthesiologist, facility, and surgeon. You will be given an accurate cost estimate after your consultation with Dr. Morales. Financing options are available to help you break up the cost of your procedure.


Over the coming weeks, patients typically become very satisfied with the results of their gynecomastia procedure. In many instances, the appearance of a more attractive chest brings a renewed sense of self-confidence.

Schedule a Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

Dallas candidates for gynecomastia surgery fit the following criteria:
  • Good overall health physically and emotionally
  • Finished with puberty (breasts are fully developed)
  • Has fat or tissue that does not respond to diet and exercise
  • Have realistic expectations about the results
Various factors contribute to the enlargement of the male breasts, including:
  • Hormonal factors
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Drug use
  • Steroid use
All surgical procedures involving incisions will result in scars. Even if you undergo liposuction alone, you can still expect to have scars — while small — at the liposuction sites. Any scars that result from the gynecomastia procedure will be small and hidden within the natural creases. Most of these scars fade with time to become nearly unnoticeable. You can help lessen the visibility of these scars by keeping them out of the sun and using topical scar treatments.
Male breast reduction is considered an elective procedure and, therefore, is not covered by insurance. Dr. Morales offers financing options to help patients make arrangements for their surgery.
Many men who undergo male breast breast reduction experience long-lasting (if not permanent) results. This surgery does not prevent weight gain, and you may see your results diminish with additional medication, drug, or steroid use.
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Dr. David Morales is proud to announce that Morpheus8 RF Microneedling is now being offered!

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